Come and join me in this online course to explore the magic of
female sexuality and pleasure.

27th January and 24th February
6 – 8pm GMT on Zoom

Part 1.
We will look at
– debunking some of the myths around female sexual anatomy and pleasure
– what’s normal? The beautiful variation of the vulva
–  we will explore an accurate map of women’s sexual anatomy
–  an exploration of women’s anatomy of arousal including female ejaculation
– the importance of listening to your body and a sacred practice to facilitate that
– time for Q and A

Though this course is more informational than experiential, we will include some movement and will check in with the body as we go. And I will include a sacred practice to support a deeper listening to your body that you can do between sessions. I have left a month inbetween sessions so that (if you desire) you can explore some of what we covered in your own time. Pleasure takes so many forms in our lives and our eros energy is not confined to sex. It is your life force energy. So you will be invited to court pleasure in your life in a way that feels like a YES in your body. I will faciliate an enquiry about what your particular pleasure promise might look like as a part of the session. We are all unique so there is no way of getting it wrong. And no need for anyone else to even know what your personal pleasure promise is, unless you want them to.

The Pleasure Promise is about you, for you and is to nourish you!
What a beautiful way to start the year.

Then we will come back together in February explore further…

Part 2
Will focus on
– Different types of orgasm
– the uterus and women’s sexual cycles
– the cervix as a pleasure organ
– the vagus nerve and it’s connection to sexual pleasure, trauma and a healthy nervous system
– anal pleasure
– time for Q and A and sharing
– Closing circle

The rEVOLution starts with your own body.
We have the power to remember, reclaim and reconnect with our own abundance and pleasure. So if you would like to make a commitment to yourself and your pleasure and would like a group container to support that then join us!
All women of all ages and all sexual orientations are welcome.
There will be no nudity on this course and you will be actively encouraged to check in with yourself throughout and honour your own pace. The invitation is to bring your curiosity and explore. Many women feel very in the dark about their sexuality and studies have shown that coming together in a group to debunk the myths and open up the conversation around sex, can help women to grow in confidence around their own body, desires and unique sexual self.
Knoweldge is power and female sexuality is still hugely misunderstood and taboo. It wasn’t until 2005 that the full anatomy of the clitoris came into the public domain (Thankyou Dr Helen O’Connell)! And sex education is still on the whole woefully inadequate. So as adults we have to find out all the information we were never told. I have been on that journey actively now for 20 years and I am still learning…but I have lots to share with you! No matter where you are in relationship to your sexuality you are welcome to join us.

I am so passionate about this information being available to all that the class will be donation based.

Suggested donation is £40 but you can give as much or as little as you can afford.

If you cannot afford to donate, all I ask is that you show up with your energy and commitment to the material and help us co-create a temple to explore the mystery and joy of women’s anatomy of arousal and pleasure.

Please invite any women that you know who you feel may benefit from this.

To sign up just click this link to be taking to my booking site.

If you have any questions feel free to email me
I look forward to seeing you there!