“Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life’s desire.
Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back,
learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you”
– For A New Beginning by John O’Donohue
The Butterfly Course is an invitation to soul dive into the mystery and joy of sacred feminine practice. Using mudra, yoga, poetry, movement and creative enquiry this course creates time and space for you to move, feel and breathe your way into a deeper intimacy with your body, soul and natural abundance. It is an opportunity to deepen your listening to the language of your body and soul, share space with other women who wish to do the same and uncover whatever it is within you that wishes to unfold.
The backbone of the work is the sacred Butterfly Mudra practice. In Year 1 we will learn the short form. The full mudra sequence can take 3 years or more to learn so this first year is an introduction to the practice. You will be invited to do a 10 minute daily self practice at home in between sessions which other women have found invaluable, often in ways they never expected.
In addition to the mudra work, we will also explore other sister practices to bring greater freedom and awareness to the layers of our being-ness. Since every woman is unique so you will each naturally gravitate to different aspects of the practice. For those who already practice regularly at home, this course can offer ways for you to enhance or deepen your practice and those new to self practice can uncover a personal routine that is perfect for you and one that can evolve with your life.
Many women find that one of the most enjoyable things about the course is having other women to journey with, providing a sense of support and community which can be invaluable.
The course will start and finish with two 2 day non residential intensives in Sheffield. Though the intensives are non residential, if possible, I invite you to clear your weekend and dive deeply into the work and some time for you. If anyone is travelling from outside of Sheffield, I can help you arrange accommodation that is very low cost or possibly free of charge.
This year I am excited to announce that I will be assisted by Cordelia Gray, an Integrative Arts psychotherapist (UKCP reg since 2006) with many years experience working creatively with different people and issues. Cordelia has also completed 3 years of the Butterfly work with me and is now going onto her 4th year. I am thrilled that she will be joining us.
Dates 2017:
Opening retreat Feb 11th-12th 10-5pm and 10-4pm
March 19th 10-5pm
April 30th 10-5pm
May 21st 10-5pm
June 11th 10-5pm
Final retreat 8th -9th July 10-5pm and 10-4pm
Places limited (maximum 12 women) so book early to avoid disappointment. I have really tried to keep costs down to make this course a possibility for all. At the moment, I envisage being able to offer a sliding scale fee so that you pay whatever you can afford. The minimum payment being £385 – £495. And if you pay in full by December 1st an early bird rate of £375. These figures are based around a smaller group, if it works out that a few people pay the higher rate or we have a large group then I hope to be able to offer a further reduction on cost. I don’t wish for money to be a prohibitive factor so please contact me if you need to discuss a further reduction.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to me directly please feel free to email me info@carlymountain.com and we can arrange a time. I so look forward to sharing this transformational practice with you.
With Love, Carly