With Full Moon at the beginning of this week and Spring Equinox today this weeks classes have been all about honouring natural cycles.
Modern life is not geared around natural cycles instead we are encouraged to prioritise other things. Take a flu remedy, work through it, be more productive. But in this disconnection we lose something.
In nature there are clear cycles, the waxing and waning of the moon, the seasons, the life/death/life cycles are with us all the time on micro and macro scales. Yoga is union. Through practice we can tune into ourselves and others becoming increasingly wakeful to life. Which brings pain and beauty. Light and dark.
Have courage, embrace change and move with the cycles. Trusting and reaching into the vastness of your existence with love.
I chose these photos because they were taken on one of the last golden days of last year. And I am now welcoming in the golden days of this year.
Wishing you a wonder filled Spring Equinox.
With love Carly xx