Descent & Rising: an Erotic Mystical Initiation into Your Feminine Wisdom

An 4-part On Demand Course Exploring the Embodied Experience of the Inanna Myth

with Carly Mountain, author of Descent & Rising: Women’s Stories & the Embodiment of the Inanna Myth.

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The Descent & Rising On Demand Course

Come and delve into the mystery and medicine of the Inanna myth. In this course we dive into the realms of our embodied underworld to commune with places that have been calling for our attention. The course focuses on the eros wound; the splitting inside of us that says “I must be this, not that” or “This part of me is wrong, I must fix it”.

These voices inside are the ones that keep us split in two. They break the sisterhood within us and keep us striving for perfection, a perfection that actually does not exist and only perpetuates the pain and separation within us. By moving the body, breathing, exploring and entering embodied relationship with the myth we can become more intimate with all parts of ourselves and in doing so, find new relationship with our own complexity, creativity, emotionality, sensuality and erotic life force.


“From the Great Above she opened her ear to the Great Below
From the Great Above the goddess opened her ear to the Great Below
From the Great Above Inanna opened her ear to the Great Below”
– Wolkstein and Kramer

“The new wave of feminism is embodied. It is not just an ideology, it’s a physical reality. We want to feel safe when we walk down the street, we want to be heard when we say no, we want pleasure, we want to allow our rage, we want to open to all the feelings we have not admitted. We don’t just want change, we are changing. Not only in our thoughts, in our body.”

– Descent & Rising

Praise for The Descent & Rising Course

“During Carly’s Descent and Rising online course I had the sensation that a warm, thick, healing balsam was seeping into a very old wound of separation between two parts of me: what I show and what I hide, what comes from a pattern of striving and what my body is deeply yearning for… Carly’s presence and wisdom creates a safe space for magic to occur.”

Sophia Style, Spain.

“I would like to thank you for a wonderful 4 week journey into the Goddess Inanna mysteries…I particularly enjoyed the embodiment practices you shared, in the form of dance, movement, as well as the beautiful poetry, and wisdom of the teachings of Inanna. I am still slowly drinking in the potent flavors that were shared each week. ”

Anil Jangi, UK.

Sign Up Here And Start Today

£69 for lifetime access.

4 x sessions (5.5 hours of content) that you can follow at your leisure.

Sign up now for instant access.

Descent & Rising is an Initiation

Descent & Rising is an initiatory process that sanctions us into deeper intimacy with who we are and have always been.

Now is the time to remember, reclaim and reconnect with your deep self. She who has been buried under layers of conditioning and expectation – she who is connected to the fecundity of all things.

This is the forgotten rite of passage of death and rebirth that is synonymous with the wild feminine. A path that is so often, forgotten, shamed and ignored in patriarchal capitalist culture.

These initiations can show up in many forms, the end of a relationship or role, breavement, illness, baby longing, baby loss, abortion or miscarriage, matresence, divorce, menopause, and often a combination of these (and this list is not exhaustive). Whatever the particular catalyst for our descents, they plummet us into unknown territory and challenge us to our core.

“As the caterpillar enters the cocoon to dissolve, so too does the heroine experience a sort of dissolution of her known self, through which she enters the process of transformation.”

– Descent & Rising

New book Descent & Rising By writer Carly Mountain

So often the difficulties we experience in life are coated in shame and we do not always give credence to these initiatory processes or recognise them as the rites of passage that they are. This is not only a loss to the individual it is a loss to us all.


“A culture that cannot descend is a culture that is not rooted in the earth. A culture that fears and suppresses the nature that it is, eventually destroys the nature that it is and this is exactly what is happening. We are living in a time of mass extinction, species of plants, insects and animals are being lost daily. We are all being called to descend into the shadows that brought us here. It is complex, frightening and at times, overwhelming. My feeling is that we need the old stories to help us traverse this unknown territory.”

– Descent & Rising

This personal transformation also serves the
times in which we are living.

The dominant myth of Western capitalist culture is that we must work harder and continually strive to achieve and accumulate more. It is the paradigm of power over, be that power over our bodies, each other or the Earth. This is unsustainable and is driving us headlong into our own destruction.

We need ancient wisdom to help us traverse this unknown territory.

No one person or solution will provide the answer – we’re all needed. You have an important part to play – big or small, public or private.

It’s time reawaken our mythic imagination and
return to a deeper knowing.

Can we dare to follow in Inanna’s footsteps and open our ears to the great below of our personal and collective lives?

So that we can be re-sourced and reignited to dare to follow the sacred map of our desire – home.

So that we can recognise our life’s challenges as rites of passage that have the power to awaken us to more authority, purpose and belonging.

“The heroine is one who has started to see the ways that she has colluded with narratives that no longer serve her, or that maybe never served her…We are not arriving somewhere new, we are remembering something old, we are rebirthing the heroine from within.”
Together we can honour our descents and dare to rise.

How does the course work?

Each session is a sacred embodied process that will facilitate you to enter the landscape of your inner world and become more intimate with the Inanna within you.


She helps us to reveal the sacred anatomy of our lives unfolding, invokes our wisdom, tends to our pain and
awakens the fire of our desire.


The heroine’s journey does not happen only in our head, it is a somatic, felt experience. The book and the exercises within in can help facilitate an embodied exploration of the myth, but sometimes having a held space to be guided into the work is invaluable. This course combines core teachings and material from the book, woven together with physical movement, journalling and creative enquiry into what is moving within you, in the here and now. Creating a container for you to delve deeper into relationship with your body, emotions, creativity and sensuality.

Descent & Rising Course with Carly Mountain

Session One: The Story

We will begin with the story. In this first session, we will move, breathe, orientate, become acquainted with this sacred space and settle into the arms of the myth. There is so much medicine in story-telling. So come and gather round the fire of our intimate assembly and invite myth and mystery into your heart.


In session two we will delve into the Inanna myth as an ancient map of trauma healing that can guide us back down into our body and the earth. We will feel into the ways that the myth holds in it’s structure a map of relationship and communion. And how it’s sacred anatomy can support us to down-regulate when the upperworld has taken us to high, too far, too soon. This session will give space for listening to the body, coming home to our senses and feeling into divine somatic experience.
Descent & Rising Course with Carly Mountain
Descent & Rising Course with Carly Mountain


In session three we will journey into our relationship with rage and the vitality hidden inside our fierce feminine. Think of a lioness protecting her cubs, a wolf mama bearing her teeth, this is an aspect of Ereshkigal’s energy that we need to invoke. Can we unveil the sacred fire hidden inside of our anger and take more and more responsibility for it’s shadow?


In session four we will ride with the power of the pelvis and it’s vital role in rising rooted. We will dance, move, journal and breathe our way down into the ground and up towards the light. Invoking our fire, creativity, juice and desire. This is not the end…it is only the beginning. A pathway into communion with the sacred thread that is emerging and dancing us, as we caress and are carried by the waves of our desire towards sensuous aliveness.
Descent & Rising Course with Carly Mountain

Meet Your Beholder & Guide Carly Mountain

Carly Mountain is a psychotherapist, a psychosexual somatic therapist, women’s initiatory guide, yoga teacher, breathworker and writer. She brings twenty years of holding and exploring sacred embodied practices. Her new book Descent & Rising: Women’s Stories & the Embodiment of the Inanna Myth explores women’s real lived experiences of descent and rising, and familiarises us with a process of female psycho-spiritual growth often overlooked in patriarchal culture.

Carly specialises in beholding people as they traverse the depths of initiation; both in therapy, breathwork and within courses that support women to remember, reclaim and reconnect with the wisdom encoded in their flesh and bones – the wisdom of the Earth incarnated inside of us. So that we can live a sensual, naturally abundant, erotically inspired life.

Carly Mountain - Carly Mountain writer, psychotherapist and women's initiatory guide

Sign Up Here And Begin Today

£69 for lifetime access.

4 x sessions (5.5 hours of content) that you can follow at your leisure.

Sign up now for instant access.


How long are the sessions?

Each session is approximately 1.5 hours long (with the exception of session 2 that is just over 1 hour).

Do I need to have read the book to do this course?
No. You are absolutley welcome to take this course without having read the book. Or you can take the course as a complimentary addition to the book. Whatever feels right for you.

The course is designed to support an embodied enquiry and accompanies the book beautifully. So if you can get hold of a copy I would obviously say, yes buy one! But it is not a pre-requisite for taking this course.

What do I need with me for the sessions?
I recommend you have a pen and journal and wear loose comfortable clothing that you can move in. If you wish, you could light a candle as a way of consecrating your home space and bringing sacred intention the work. And get creative, what else might nourish your delving into this material? How can you really bring your whole self to this time?
I am in Therapy with Carly Can I Sign Up to This Course?
Since there is no direct interaction between me and participants on this course those in therapy with me are welcome to take the course. If you are in therapy and are unsure please feel free to raise any queries you have with me directly.
Is this a Therapy Course?
No. Though I am a qualified psychotherapist, I am not be acting in the role of therapist in this course. In this course I am a beholder and sacred space holder. If you feel you need therapy, it would be better to seek out 1:1 support from a qualified practitioner.

Stay Connected

Carly sends out a newsletter once a month with all new info on courses and events interwoven with poetry.